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Devriendt House
This is the last project of the earth house series - objects which are inscribed like land art in the topography. When the landscape is so beautiful that is “almost obscene to have to imagine to build there”, as Rem Koolhaas stated once for the New town of Melun-Sénart, we rather prefer not to add something visual.
The idea of the absence of architecture seems to us so appealing that we varied it in different contexts with different programs. In the case of this project, the client dreamt of a house where he could also accomodate a selection of rare cars. We imagined a space which can be crossed by both, humans and vehicles, a sort of a hybrid between a parking lot and a house.
Architects: Florian Hertweck & Pierre Alexandre Devernois
Project team: F. Hertweck, P. A. Devernois, Loïc Morin
Location: Milon la Chapelle (France)
Living surface: 250 m²
Date: 2015 (unbuilt)
Structural Engineer: Bollinger Grohmann Ingenieure, Paris - Klaas de Rycke
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